


WebLog Assignment

Working in the course Blog Place, produce a weblog (on-line journal) to demonstrate your preparation for class and your engagement with course events including assigned readings, field work,  and invited speakers.

Blogger  / Live Journal / tumblr

In some instances, but not in every instance, I will present questions or queries to guide your blogs.

Welcome to ED100 Blog Spot!

Katie Cavasinni  James Crawford   Joshua DeJesus  Jenny Grant   Michael Hollins
Alex Kay   Ally Klimko 
Ryan Mains
Kevin Marie  Nikos Mizas    


In some instances, but not in every instance, I will present questions or queries to guide your BlogPosts.


The form of a given post is limited only by available technology and can include, separately or in any combination, textual, audio, photographic or videographic information.  (There will be a workshop to help you create and begin producing your blog).


Unless otherwise instructed, blog posts are due in class as indicated in the course calendar.


Check out each other’s blogs! Everyone appreciates­­­ comments on their blog!

BlogpostWEEK 9

Based on your reflections on this week's readings, the in-class design project, and your thoughtful consideration of your lived experiences, what do good schools look like?  (~ 400 words).  

BlogpostWEEK 8

Please establish a question based on your readings and class experiences from this and the previous week that you want to address for this week's post. (+/- 250 words).




Please select a quote from this week's readings that asserts a belief that you share (either from Ohanian or from Ayers 4).  Explain the significance of the quote first to the source essay and then to you as an aspiring teacher. [Note: if there is no statement that you believe in from this essay, then find one from a previous reading].  (~ 400 words).  


BLOGPost6  Post-It Notes annotation strategy  Due Friday February 21

Capture your thoughts on postits marking the place in the book where you had your thoughts. As you are reading, please pay close attention to your thought process. Using Postit notes, mark places in the text where you become conscious of your thinking process. Examples: questions, things you wonder about, making a prediction about what is next, offer some critique and analysis, connect to other readings, connect to observations in the field, connect to current affairs in the news, relate to a lived experience and so forth. Take one or more of the annotations and develop it further into a BlogPost.


Blog post WEEK 5

Please establish a question based on your readings and class experiences from this and the previous week that you want to address for this week's post. (+/- 250 words).


Not the socialized or intentional racism of bigotry or prejudice,  institutional racism is insidious as it is often the unintended outcome of a multiplicity of interacting factors.  Yet, real people suffer because of it. Based on our two readings and the myriad activities and discussions in class this week, construct a definition of institutional racism. Working with this definition offer a first person narrative from your lived experiences that addresses some aspect of institutional racism.

(+/- 250 words). 



Please establish a question based on your readings and class experiences from this and the previous week that you want to address for this week's post. (+/- 250 words).



BlogPost2:  More Exploration of Mental Filters and Their Influences on Perception


Go to an airport, park , a mall or some other public place with a classmate, a friend, etc and sit on a bench together to people-watch.  Talk together about what you see, challenging each other to give specific details rather than interpretations. Make a T chart to separate your interpretations from descriptions and create a "parking lot" to park your beliefs that creep into your interpretations.  Discuss the differences in what you notice as well as how and why you interpret what you see the same or differently.  For your blog post, include your T chart AND write a reflection on what you discovered.


Based on your reading : Curtis, D. and Carter, M. (2000) The Art of Awareness: How Observation Can Transform Your Teaching. and Chapter 2: Study Session: Learning to See. p. 17.  




Personal information
What name do you prefer to be called?

2. Hometown and photograph of you (inserted in your blog profile).

3. Grade level and subject(s) that you want to teach. 
4. What are you into; what makes you special? Share a few “unique” aspects about yourself that would help our classroom community get to know you a bit better.

Learning Style and more:
5. Being as specific as you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in a classroom?
6. I am interested in your perception of yourself as a student. Please describe it. Consider such criteria as a) active oral class participation; b) responsible, timely class preparation (of readings, projects, etc.); c) honest, candid self-assessment; d) awareness of your own preferred learning styles/approaches; e) first thing that you do when you cannot or do not understand something; f)other dimensions you believe to be relevant and informative.


Education Past and Present

7. Share a formative memory from your experiences as a student.
8. Please discuss what are, for you, some significant issues or concerns facing the field of education right now.

About Dr. Shutkin:
9. Write down a question or two that you would like to ask me about myself or the class.


Using your preferred email account, please send me an email message with a link to your blog.